
Newham & District Landcare Group
Library contents

This is a list of books and other publications now stored at the Kny property, “Kolora”, 279 Sheltons Rd (off Bolgers Lane, Newham). Telephone Karl Kny on 0409 543 061

Thanks to Penny Roberts for collecting and storing until September 2020.

Originally compiled 2012; since updated by Helen Scott – latest version June 2024.

There is also a .pdf file of 14 pages available here.

It is worth noting that many and more up-to-date resources are available online, some websites are shown. All links are blue

Victorian Resources Online – gateway to a wide range of natural resources information and associated maps at both statewide and regional levels across Victoria. Statewide natural resources information can be accessed for the following categories Climate, Landform, Land Use, Soil, Water, Biodiversity, Land and Water Management, Marine, and by Catchment Management Authorities.

Victorian Landcare Gateway– websites established as a resource for Landcare in Victoria.

Landcare Australia– a national resource for Landcare.

Agroforestry, revegetation and farming

Agroforestry in Australia & New Zealand: the growing of productive trees, by R Reid and G Wilson. Vic, 1986. 255p

Agroforestry News no 56, 2006
(Now Agroforestry News – see

Recreating the country: ten key principles for designing sustainable landscapes, by Stephen Murphy. Second edition updated and expanded. em Press, 2024, 198p. Website and blog at

Recreating the country: a blueprint for the design of sustainable landscapes, by Stephen Murray. Australian Forest Growers for Ballarat Region Treegrowers, 2009. 2 copies

A web of trees: reconnecting the landscape and the community: the Yan Yan Gurt Creek story.  Birregurra, Otway Forestry Network, nd.  (re farm forestry) 8p

Forest farming, by JS Douglas & R H de Hart.. London, Watkins, 1976. 197p

My place: bare paddock to bush, re-establishing native vegetation in Central Victoria. Marion da Costa, 2014. 54p

Trees for shelter: windbreaks for Australian farms. Rural Industries and R & D Corporation, 2003, reprint 2005. 15p

Trees on the treeless plains: revegetation manual for the volcanic landscapes of Central Victoria, David Holmgren. Hepburn, 1997. 231p

Victoria Felix: improving rural land with trees, by R Campbell, R Chandler, G Thomas. DCE and Monash Univ, 1988. 115p

Growing trees on Australian farms, by H. Brown & N. Hall. 1968. 397p

Back from the brink: how Australia’s landscape can be saved, by Peter Andrews. ABC Books, 2006. 244p

Can I be paid for farming nature? Free information seminar for landholders, 28 June 2008. PPWCMA. Pamphlets in folder

Native vegetation and property management: a guide to research ad resources, by Exchange: National Vegetation knowledge Service. Yarralumla, ACT, Greening Australia, 2005.  207p

Bush Tracks: shortcuts to vegetation information for natural resource management. Exchange, for Greening Australia, 2004. 288p

Revegetation techniques: a guide for establishing native vegetation in Victoria, by K Corr. Greening Australia Victoria, 2003.  130p

Land classing kit for farmers, by N.M. Baxter & John Williamson. Bendigo, Agriculture Victoria, 2002, copyright Vic Dept of Natural Resources and Environment. 27p

Partnering with rural industries for sustainable production. Canberra, Land & Water Australia, nd.  16p

Farm planning manual: develop a whole farm plan. Vic Dept Primary Industry, 2000. 148p

News and Views: North Central Victoria’s farming newsletter, 2006-2008

Farm Safety. Workcare. Video with booklets 2003.  2 copies

CD Rom – Managing safety in your workplace. 2003.
For more up to date info see

Farm chemical users course notes, ChemCert Australia (Vic) Inc. 2002. 17p

Dung beetle dictionary: a field guide to introduced dung beetles in Australia. Landcare Australia 2008. 55p

Dung beetle resource pack: nature’s amazing regulators, compiled by Barbara Pearce, Lucyvale Better Beef Group, 2008. Includes 2 DVD, and extra CD/DVD set. Print files also online at

Horse properties – a management guide. Jane Myers and Stuart Myers, Equiculture, 2012. 49p. Part of Equiculture and Sustainability Horsekeeping series. 2 copies

Linking good land management with good horse health. SA Dept Agriculture and Melbourne Water


Soil health guide, North Central Victoria. 2nd ed. NCCMA, 2024. 52p. This and other resources eg videos at Soil Health Guide | North Central Catchment Management Authority (

Know your soils. Centre for Land Protection Research. DNRE, 2001  (More at

Healthy Soils for Sustainable Farms Programme. Land & Water Australia, nd. 12p

Biodiversity and Biolinks, Conservation, Environment, Sustainability

Macedon Ranges Shire Council biodiversity strategy 2018. 142p. Online only

Macedon Ranges Shire Council environment strategy. 2016 (also 3 copies of 2002? version) More information and links at

Caring for country: a sustainable land management guide for rural living in north central Victoria. 2nd ed. North Central Catchment Management Authority, 2013. 165p (first ed. 2006).  More resources at


What is the Great Eastern Ranges initiative? 4p pamphlet; for more see

Campaspe-Maribyrnong headwaters biolink.  Poster by Newham and District Landcare Group, 2007. Also at

The Piper biolink. Broadford, DPI. Info sheet. 10p

For more see the member orgs of Biolinks Alliance at

Report of the Central Victoria Biolinks Workshop, Castlemaine. Oct 2010. 37p

Connecting country: a biodiversity blueprint. Castlemaine, Friends of the Box Ironbark Forests, 2003. 44p

Securing our natural future: a white paper for land and biodiversity at a time of cultural change. Melbourne, DSE, 2009. 46p

Restoring landscapes across Mount Alexander: a biodiversity blueprint. Friends of the Box Ironbark Forest, 2008. 44p

Biodiversity. Folder with 14 leaflets. Australian Government Natural Resource Management Team, 2006

 Our environment, our future: Sustainability action statement. East Melbourne, Vic Dept of Sustainability and Environment, 2006         88p

Land stewardship: 1. Stewards of the land: landholder perspectives on sustainable land management 41p;  2. Private investor needs for land stewardship management  25p; 3. Duty of care: an instrument for increasing the effectiveness of catchment management. Vic Dept of Sustainability and Environment, 2003

Managing Climate Variability Program (8p) and CliMag Climate Connect no 11, June 2006

Guide to Victoria’s parks, reserves and waterways. Parks Victoria, 2003

Thinking bush no.2: Thresholds in the landscape – a new tool for land managers. Land and Water Australia, 2003. (funding ceased in 2009) 2 copies.

The value of native vegetation: urban and rural perspectives. John Cory & Kathryn Williams. National Research and Development Project on Rehabilitation, Management and Conservation of Remnant Vegetation. Research report 3/00 PR600336. Canberra, Land and Water Australia, 2000, reprint 2003. 56p.

Recreating the country: a blueprint for the design of sustainable landscapes, by Stephen Murphy. em Press Publishing, 2009. 149p. Website at

Revegetation: what to plant, where and how in the Moorobool Shire areas. Grow West, PPWCMA, nd. 60p

Victorian volcanic plains: native vegetation management guide. Colac, Corangamite CMA, nd. 7 pamphlets in folder

Melbourne principles for sustainable cities. United Nations Environment Programme, 2002. 2 copies

National local government biodiversity survey: executive summary. Australian Local Government Association, 2000

Managing the bush: recent research findings from the EA/LWRRDC National Remnant Vegetation R&D Program, by Jann Williams, RMIT. Canberrra, Land and Water Resources Research and Devlpt Corporation, 2000. Bushcare research report 4/00. 76p    2 copies

Conservation hindered: the impact of local government rules and State taxes on the conservation of native vegetation, by Carl Binning and Mike Young, CSIRO. Canberra, Environment Australia, 1999. Bushcare research report 3/99. 47p

Opportunity denied: review of the legislative authority of local governments to conserve native vegetation, by Emily Cripps et al, CSIRO. Canberra, Environment Australia, 1999. Bushcare research report 2/99. 133p

Beyond roads, rates & rubbish: opportunities for local government to conserve native vegetation, by Carl Binning et al. CSIRO. Canberra, Environment Australia, 1999. Bushcare research report 1/99. 147p

Motivating people: using management agreements to conserve remnant vegetation, by Carl Binning ad Mile Young. Canberra, Environment Australia, 1997. Bushcare paper 1/97. 66p

Victoria’s biodiversity: directions in management.
Victoria’s biodiversity: sustaining our living wealth.
Victoria’s biodiversity: our living wealth. DNRE, 1997

CD: Western Water environmental report. nd


Dung beetle resource pack: nature’s amazing regulators, compiled by Barbara Pearce, Lucyvale Better Beef Group, 2008. CD/DVD set (second set).

Our seeds: seeds blong yumi. Seed Savers, Byron Bay, 2008. 57 mins

The natural gardener: seeding the future: seed collection and cleaning for friends, Landcare and gardeners, presented by Judy Allen. 55 mins

The power of community: how Cuba survived Peak Oil. 2006. 53mins

Baghban – Ravid Chopra; Khabhi Khushi, Kabhie Ghem – Yash Johar. (Bollywood)

Ride Smart, ride safe. Yamaha/ATV Safety Institute. 38 mins


Three Chain Road Fire Risk Mitigation Action Plan Macedon Ranges Shire Council, 2019. 77p plus maps. Online only.
The plan sets out a range of roadside management actions aimed at mitigating fire risk while protecting and enhancing roadside conservation values along the length of Three Chain Road from Carlsruhe to Lancefield.

The art of roadside burning, by Michael Rowe. 2015. Details at

CFA –  see for lists of publications available online eg

On the land – Agricultural Fire Management Guidelines 2019, Fires on the farm 2019, Fire Ready Kit 2018

Landscaping for bushfire: garden design and plant selection. CFA 2011. 64p. Also online as part of the Fire Ready Kit at; links to an online Plant selection key

Riparian land and bushfire: resource document. Version 2. Report prepared by obliqua pty ltd for the Country Fire Authority and Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. CFA, 2017. Photocopy, doc is online at

Fire and biodiversity: manual for private landholders: a CFA Fire-Scape program resource. CFA, 2014. 52p

Fire ecology: guide to environmentally sustainable bushfire management in rural Victoria. Report prepared by obliqua pty ltd for the Country Fire Authority, 2011. 85p Also online at

Older publications

Prepare. Act. Survive. Fire ready kit. CFA. 40p and supplements; Your bushfire survival kit – booklets in folder; On the land: agricultural fire management guidelines 2011

Recovery after fire. Melbourne, DPI, 2009. 30p

Landscape after fire; Trees and Fires: a time for personal reflection, Dr Rod Bird, Sept 2009; article on erosion control

Fire in water catchments. Seminar 19/11/2008. Melbourne, Stretton Group. 28p

Building in a wildfire management overlay: applicant’s kit 2007. CFA. 24p

General interest, Pamphlets and articles

The big storm. Kathy Mexted editor, Hepburn Shire Council, 2022 (2023 reprint). Photo illustrations

Successful tree planting guide for the Maribyrnong and Werribee catchments. Ian Taylor, Western Plains Flora, 2008, 2p

Pamphlets in folder: 
Sure Gro
Flora for fauna in gardens; Environest bird and mammal nest boxes
GM Crops: issues for farmers
Changes to the 1080 pest animal bait system
Trust for Nature
Land for Wildlife (see also

Bushtracks, Bush Heritage Magazine (odd copies) – see

Trust for Nature Conservation Bulletin (odd copies) see

Wombat Forestcare Newsletter, issues 45, Sept 2018>
Also online at

 Short Articles in folder

Drought recovery package 2007
Handling drought on a small farm 2006
Landcare forum Bendigo 2004
Using trees to control groundwater recharge: how many are enough? 2004

Hanging Rock

Hanging rock – a history. Chris McConville, Friends of Having Rock, 2017. 265p

Hanging Rock strategic plan. DELWP, 2018. 123p

Preliminary assessment of “grassland” area within the Hanging Rock Racecourse-Hanging Rock community recreation reserve. Report to Newham Landcare Group, by Paul Foreman, Blue Devil Consulting, 10/1/2013. Will be online only at


Australian natural heritage charter: standards and principles for the conservation of places of natural heritage significance. Australian Heritage Commission, 1999

Natural heritage places handbook: applying the Australian natural heritage charter to conserve places of natural significance. AHC, 1999

Protecting local heritage places: a guide for communities. AHC, 1999
More at

Indigenous Aboriginal issues

Aboriginal scarred trees 2003. 2p

Aboriginal sites on private property. Aboriginal Affairs Victoria, 2003

Where do axes come from? Isabel McBryde in Mankind, 11, 1998, p394-82

Mt William Quarry: Aboriginal stone axes. Pamphlet

Mapping the past: an atlas of Victorian clans 1835-1904, part 1. Diane C Barwick in Aboriginal History, vol.8 1984

For later information see

Landcare; Newham & District Landcare Group

Victorian Landcare, no.26, Summer 2002> (Incomplete set)
(Victorian Landcare and Catchment Management Magazine is online at

International Landcare Conference, Melbourne, 8-11 2006: handbook and book of abstracts. 116p, also registration brochure (Penny Roberts attended, sponsored by Melbourne Water)

2002-2006 VAPSGL evaluation: Building on success and planning in the future of Landcare support in Victoria. Vic Dept of Sustainability and Environment, 2006.  79p

Stories of community Landcare success: Port Phillip and Westernport region 2004. PPWCMA, 2004. 2 copies

Landcare in Australia: founded in local action. Rob Youl et al, rev ed 2001

The Telstra communication kit for Landcarers. nd

Resource kit and supplementary pack for rural landholders. Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority & Landcare & Cw Dept of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forests National Landcare Program. No date.

Newham & District Landcare Group


2021 award acceptance video  2021

Linking the landscape – the Cobaw Biolink 2020

Wildflowers of Woodend and Newham 2019

Newsletter 2004>
All online here from no.1, 2004

Baseline bio-diversity study for the Campaspe-Maribyrnong Headwaters Bio-link: a flora and fauna survey of the Jim Jim. Comp. by David A de Angelis. NDLC/Naturalist Society, La Trobe Univ., 2007

Newham Landcare Pest Survey report, 2007. 6p plus questionnaire

Newham Roadsides nocturnal fauna surveys.Report by Ecologist Karl Just for Macedon Ranges Shire Council, 2020

A biological survey of the Newham Deep Creek: results of surveys undertaken by ecology graduates from La Trobe University 19-20 Feb. 2005, 9&10 April 2005. Ed. Dean Ingwerson. 2 copies

Campaspe-Maribyrnong headwaters biolink.  Poster by Newham and District Landcare Group, 2007 also at

N&DLG archive folders (4 folders with photos compiled by Sally Stabback until c2007:
Deep Creek project from Three Chain rd to Rochford rd: “Jolimont” 210 Dons Rd 15/5/2005; 14 Dons rd (Judy Don); 2002-2005; Neil Williams; Newham Farm, Dons’ rd (Attwood).
Biolink project: Carinya Farm, 297 Dons rd (Sweaney) 21/5/2006; 709 Three Chain rd (Winter) Oct 2006; 33/107 Doherty’s rd (Andre); Wombat Lodge (Wiggett)
General Landcare projects (planting events at Stabback; Buttner 5/10/2005; Weedies 2005-6.
Social events and information nights 2005-2007.

See also Rural Roadsides below.

See also Submissions and annual reports online

Native plants

Assessment of the distribution, health and ecology of Snow Gum populations in the  Macedon Ranges Shire. Written by Karl Just and Tim D’Ombrain, NDLG a partner in the project. MRSC, 2022, 42p

A bushwalkers guide to the flora of the Macedon RangesMacedon Ranges Shire Council. June 2019. 98p

Plants of Melbourne’s Western Plains: a gardener’s guide to the original flora. 2nd ed. Australian Plants Society, Keilor Plains Group. 2012, 223p

Macedon Range flora: a photographic guide to the flora of Barrm Birrm, Riddells Creek, by R Best, D. Francis, Riddells Creek Landcare. 2008. 52p

Indigenous trees and shrubs of the Macedon Ranges area (from the work of Leon Costermans) MRSC. 56p

Flora of the Macedon Ranges Park and surrounding areas. David Francis (missing)

Plants, flowers, shrubs and fungi of “Kolora”; a property in Newham Macedon Ranges of Victoria, by Brigitte Porada Kny. 2008. 63p

Botanica 05/08. Brigitte Kny (photos in looseleaf folder)

Kyneton Woodlands Flora Identification Guide, NCCMA. Fold-out pamphlet

Woodend Landcare pamphlets: Sharing our wildflowers; Preserving Woodend’s Black Gum (Eucalyptus aggregate); 5 Mile Creek and Woodend recommended plant list – these and others online at  – go to Resources

Endangered Species of North Central Victoria. NCCMA, 2007. Postcard pack (plants and animals). Also online at

Nationally threatened species of the grassy woodland community: single illustrated pages on Broadleaf Sun Orchid; Bendigo Spider Orchid; McIvor Spider Orchid; Clover Glycine. Melbourne, DSE, nd

An introduction to the native trees of the Trentham district. Landcare Trentham, nd, 23p

The glovebox guide to understanding and improving woodland ecosystems in the Mid Loddon. Bendigo, Mid Loddon Sub-Catchment Management Group Inc. 25p

Friend or foe? A guide to fern-leaf Wattles in north-central Victoria. NCCMA, 2007

Fungi ecology workshop, Sunday 29th April 2007, Newham Mechanics Institute. Alison Pouliot presenter. 2 copies

Funghi of the Box-Ironbark forests and woodlands of Central Victoria. Pamphlet (Alison Pouliot) nd.

Grassland species of the Victorian volcanic plains, 2006. (illus. fold out pamphlet)

Flora of Melbourne: a guide to the indigenous plants of the greater Melbourne area, by Australian Plants Society Maroondah. 3rd ed. Hyland House, 2001. 393p

Landcare Notes: Using indigenous plants, June 2001; The benefits of using indigenous plants, May 2001

A field guide to Victorian wattles, by F.J.C. Rogers. 1980

Austraflora catalogue 1979


NDLG guide to resources on rabbit control, table by Sue Barker, 2019

Rabbit management guide: a practical guide to assist land managers implement effective control. PPWCMA & others, 2014. 8p           2 copies

Ute guide to rabbit control, 2nd ed, 2013. Connecting Country. 15p  2 copies

Canberra Indian Myna Action Group – Myna Matters Bulletin 28, 2013

Good neighbour program 2006-2007. DSE, 2008

Changes to the 1080 pest animal baiting system: what you need to now in Victoria. DPI, 2007

Newham Landcare Pest Survey report, 2007. 6p plus questionnaire (in NDLG box)

‘Aquatic and riparian pests pressuring Australia’s water resources’, Under control : pest plant and animal management news no.36, Oct 2007. (ceased, not online)

The state of Australian birds 2006: invasive species, comp. Penny Olsen et al. Dec 2006 (Supplement to Wingspan Dec 2006)

Invasive garden plans jump the back fence. DSE & DPI 2005. 4p.  2 copies

Make sure your cat naps after you do. Vic DPI, 2004. Pamphlet

Landcare Notes (DPI) – Rabbit control in urban areas, Nov 2003; Rabbits: warren destruction and harbour management, Oct 2003; Catchment & Land Protection Act  1994 – Amendments Aug 2003; 1080 poison baits for pest animal control July 2003; Foxes and their impact July 2003; Foxes: integrated fox control, June 2003; Rabbits: trail baiting with oats Feb 2001; Wild dogs and dingoes in Victoria July 2000; Wild dogs: reference list July 2000; Rabbits: use of LPG technology Feb 2000; Rabbit control in wildlife habitat, Oct 1999; Cats and wildlife – how you can protect both Aug 1999; Rabbits and their impact June 1999; Rabbits: monitoring rabbit populations June 1999; Rabbits using integrated rabbit control, June 1999; Rabbits: methods of fumigating rabbit burrows, June 1999; Rabbits: some useful references June 1999;  Pest animal control; Rabbit-proof fencing, March 1999; Rabbits: trail baiting with 1080; Hares in Victoria Nov 1994; Feral cats in Victoria Oct 1994; Feral pigs in Victoria Oct 1994.

Feral pig and feral goat management strategy. Melbourne, DNRE, 2002. 11p

District rabbit control: a revised booklet on the practical aspects of rabbit control with particular emphasis on the concept of group action: a guide for coordinators and leaders. Harcourt & Sutton Grange Landcare Group, 1994. 44p     2 copies

Rural Roadsides

NB see many NDLG resources (newsletters, posters etc) on the website at Rural Roadsides

Maintaining our roadsides. Macedon Ranges Shire Council, 2017? Brochure, available at Shire offices

Flora assessment of high value roadside reserves in Newham, Victoria. Prepared for NDLG by Karl Just, Jan.2016. (Online via NDLG Rural Roadsides page)

Damaging activities threatening significant roadside vegetation at Newham, Victoria. Prepared for NDLG by Karl Just, Dec.2016. (Online via NDLG Rural Roadsides page.)

Roadside conservation poster. NCCMA and others. 2005.

The role of roadside vegetation in the maintenance of functional connectivity for flora and woodland birds in the fragmented landscape of the Central Victorian Highlands, by Stevan Gregory Krstic, Feb 1998. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment …for the degree of Master of Natural Resources, University of New England

Waterways / Riparian issues

Fen, bog & swamp: a short history of pentland destruction and its role in the climate crisis. Annie Proulx, Fourth Estate, 2022. 196p. Donated by Nature Glenelg Trust

Riparian Notes sets (13 Fact sheets) [Multiple copies]

The Murray-Darling Basin. Fold out poster, nd

Seasonal herbaceous wetlands: identification and management handbook. E Bayes & Damien Cook. Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority & North-east CMS, nd. 101p. Also online at

Principles for riparian lands management, eds S Lovett and P Price. Canberra, Land &Water Australia, 2007. 190p

Our Watermark: Australians making a difference in water reform. Watermark Australia, Victorian Women’s Trust, 2007. 168p. 2 copies

Stock and waterways: a manager’s guide. Canberra, Land & Water Australia, 2006

Waterway management planning for landholders. Melbourne Water. Draft presentation workshop for Newham Landcare, April 2006. Property Planning Series (3 folders)

Land & Water Australia. National Riparian Lands R&D program’s No Frills Workshop, 14/2/2007, at Univ Melbourne. Workbook. 24p

Design guideline for the introduction of wood into Australian streams, by A P  Brooks. Canberra, Land & Water Australia, 2006  85p

Wrapping up riparian, River and Lands Management newsletter, no.31, 2006. 60p.
Environmental water allocation, River and Lands Management newsletter, no.29, 2005. 51p.

River Landscapes fact sheets: 5- Riparian habitat for wildlife; 7– Managing woody debris in rivers; 12– Riparian ecosystem services; 13- Managing riparian widths…Land & Water Australia, 2005

Riverways: shortcuts to river management systems information in Australia. Canberra, Greening Australia, 2005   224p

Progress towards securing our water future 04/05. Melbourne, DSE, 2005.  47p

Assessing community capacity for riparian restoration. D Thomson & S Pepperdine. Canberra, Land & Water Australia, 2003. 53p

CD: Western Water environmental report. nd


Some useful websites with more up-to-date information:

Weeds Australia is a national portal at

Agriculture Victoria

Invasive plants 

CD: What you need to know about weeds in Victoria. Vic DPI, Dec 2015

Your Guide to the Weeds of Central Victoria. Shire Councils of Macedon Ranges, Mitchell, and Mount Alexander, and South Western Goulburn Landcare Network, Nov.2015. 79p

Weeds of the North Central Region: a field identification guide. NCCMA, 2003, and
Weeds identification guide. North Central Victoria, 2nd ed 2012. 105p

Weed detection and control on small farms: a guide for owners, by Brian Sindel & Michael Coleman. University of New England, 2010 (2014 reprint). 29p

Ute guide to Chilean and Texas Needle Grass: identification and management. 2nd ed. Campaspe Valley Landcare Group, Dec 2015

Ute guide to Chilean Needle Grass: identification and management. Gecko CLaN – Broken Catchment Landcare Network, 2008. 17p

Chilean Needlegrass: Management guide 2008; How to control (quick reference guide 2003) 

Serrated Tussock: National best practice management guide; Identification 2010; Management guide 2003 

Intensifying the attack on Serrated Tussock. Vic. Serrated Tussock Working party, DSE & DPI, 2005.

Victorian Alert Weed fact sheets, DPI: Cypress Spurge (Euphorbia cyparissias); Leafy Spurge (Euphorbia esula); Chilean Rhubarb (Gunnera tinctoria); Pride of Madeira (Echium candicans); Hairy Willow-herb (Epilobium hirsutum); Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum); Fireweeed (Senecio madagascariensis); Hedge Cactus (Cereus hildmannianus); Pereskia (Pereskia aculeata); Old Man’s Beard (Clematis vitalba); Moon Cactus (Harrisia martinii)

Invasive garden plants jump the back fence. DSE and DPI, 2005. 4p       3 copies

Introductory Weed Management Manual. Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management/Natural Heritage Trust. Canberra, Department of the Environment and Heritage, 2004.  2 copies
This training manual is presented in four modules: Module 1: Developing and implementing a weed management plan; Module 2: Weed control methods for community groups; Module 3: Collecting and preparing plant specimens for identification; Module 4: Presentation of information sessions to small groups. Online also as PDF at

Weed management guides. Natural Heritage Trust 2003
Alligator weed; Blackberry; Bitou bush; Boneseed; Bridal Creeper; Cabomba; Cane needle grass; Chilean need grass; Gorse; Horsetails; Lagarosiphon; Lobed needle grass; Serrated tussock; White Spanish broom;  White weeping broom; Willow. (The Natural Heritage Trust ceased on 30 June 2008. It has been replaced by National Landcare Program at )

Edible weeds and garden plants of Melbourne, by Doris Pozzi. 2010. 45p

Willows national management guide: current management and control options for willows (Ulex spp) in Australia. Weeds of National Significance, 2007.

Victorian weed spotters WEEDeck. 2007. Coloured cards

CD: A field manual for surveying & mapping nationally significant weeds. Cw Bureau of Rural Services, 2006

Gorse: national best practice manual. Tas, National Gorse Taskforce, 2006. 100p.  4 copies

Gorse Taskforce progress report 2004-2005. Ballarat, DPI, 2006. 28p

Environmental weed guide. Powercor Australia, 2002. 55p

Plant invasions: the incidence of environmental weeds in Australia. Aust National Parks Service – Kowari, 1991. 188p

Plant invasions of Australia ecosystems, part 2. Paper from the Australian Weeds Conference, Adelaide, 6-10 August 1990

Weed articles in folders as follows:
Victorian noxious weeds list 2014; Blackberry; Gorse; Serrated Tussock; Willow; Horehound: practice management guide 8 , CRC for Weed Management Systems; Broom: best practice management guide 2, CRC for Weed Management Systems; Environmental weeds: friend or foe, by Tim Samson

Landcare Notes (DPI) – Boneseed and Bitou bush Aug 2007; Gorse/furze management Oct 2004; Blackberry management Oct 2004; Declared noxious weeds Feb 2004; Machinery hygiene Jan 2004; How weeds spread June 2000; Wind speeds: guide for spraying farm chemicals Dec 1999; Reducing spray drift Dec 1999; Farm chemicals: answers to some common questions Sept 1994; Artichoke thistle Feb 1998; Willows along watercourses: an introduction, Dec 1998; Willows along watercourses: their impact on natives Feb 1998; How to manage weeds Feb 1998; What is a weed? Feb 1998; Cape Broom/Montpellier Broom, April 1998; Furze/Gorse, Feb 1998; Paterson’s Curse, Jan 1998; Paterson’s Curse – management, Oct 2004.


Coloured book titles on loan/donated to Newham Primary School Library

Birdlife Australia –

Wildlife –

Brush-Tailed Phascogale brochure. Connecting Country, 2004. Download via

Your guide to the Birds of the Macedon Ranges. Macedon Ranges Shire Council, 2021. 102p
A guide to the most common birds in the Macedon Ranges. The Bird guide(PDF, 19MB) is available in digital form or can be picked up from one of the Shire offices.

Macedon Ranges Shire Council factsheets:
Fauna monitoring program; Nest boxes; Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps); Common birds of the Macedon Ranges; Owls of the Macedon Ranges; Creating  bird friendly gardens; Uploading data to the VBA (Vic Biodiversity Atlas). More info at

Upper Campaspe Landcare Network pamphlets: Brush-tailed phascogale; Greater Glider; Platypus; Powerful Owl

Insects of Central Victoria guide. Upper Campaspe Landcare Network, 2022. 116p. Available at Shire offices; or a 103mb .pdf available at

Reptiles and frogs of the Mount Alexander region – brochure. Connecting Country, 2017. 2 copies

Waterbirds field guide. North Central Waterwatch. 2014. 81p.  2 copies

Woodland birds of Central Victoria: an identification and habitat management guide. Connecting Country, 2014. Fold out pamphlet

Fish field guide. North Central Waterwatch. 2012. 55p

Key threats to native fish. Murray Darling Basin Commission. 1p

Frogs field guide. North Central Waterwatch. 2012 Missing but is online – Frogs guide

Getting to know the frogs of Melbourne, by Craig Cleeland. World Wildlife Fund, nd. [3 copies] (more at

A complete guide to reptiles, by S Wilson & G Swan. 2nd ed. 2008

Nestbox book. Gould Group, 2008

Backyard insects. P Horne & D Crawford. 2nd ed. Miegunyah Press, 2005

Collecting and sampling insects. Ian Enderby, Entomological Society of Victoria, 2004. 28p. 2 copies

Bats and paddock trees: insights from recent research, by Lindy Lumsden & Andrew Bennett May 2003

Field guide to birds of Australia, Simpson & Day. 7th ed. Penguin, 2004

The Bush Stone-Curlew needs habitat to survive… as well as our help 2005  2 copies

Birds on Australian farms: ecological management for agricultural sustainability. Geoff Barrett. Birds Australia, 2000. 16p   3 copies

Renaissance on Lanark, by Graeme O’Neill. Supplement to Wingspan, 9, 10 March 1999.  (re return of birds on Fenton grazing property in Victoria’s Western District)
Past issues available online at

A field guide to mammals of Australia. P Menkhorst & F Knight. 2nd ed. OUP, 2004

Tracks, scats and other traces: a field guide to Australian mammals, by Barbara Triggs. OUP, 2004

Spider watch: a guide to Australian spiders. Bert Brunet. Reed New Holland, 2000

Endangered species of North Central Victoria. NCCMA et al (pack of 8 cards, animals and plants) [3 copies]

Wildlife friendly fencing. 2012 Brochure, and at

Revegetation and wildlife: a guide to enhancing revegetated habitats for wildlife conservation in rural environments, Deakin University. Canberra, Environment Australia, 2000. Bushcare research report 2/00   3 copies

Water and wildlife: discovering the links in an ecosystem. Birchip Landcare Group. 2006. 47p

How much habitat is enough? Planning for wildlife conservation in rural landscapes. Deakin University, 2004. 8p   2 copies

How to plan wildlife landscapes: a guide for community organisations. DRNE, Land for Wildlife and Natural Heritage Trust, 2002. 63p        2 copies

Venomous creatures of Australia: a field guide with notes on first aid. Struan Sutherland. Melbourne, Oxford University Press, rev.ed.1988. 128p

Land for Wildlife News Dec 1997-April 1998  (in folder)
(you can sign up for newsletter at

Land for Wildlife Notes 1 – 43, 1990-2002  (in folder).

There are multiple sets of the following useful items:

Riparian Notes set
Introductory Weed Management manual

Updated by Helen Scott October 2024