- Response to the draft Updated Macedon Ranges Environment Strategy. September 2021
- Comments on Hanging Rock Environmental Management Plan Update 2021, September 2021
- Biodiversity 2037 Evaluation Survey (DELWP), August 2021
- Submission to Macedon Ranges Shire Council draft Roadsides Conservation Management Plan, June 2021
- Submission to the Inquiry into Ecosystem Decline in Victoria, Environment and Planning Committee of the Legislative Council of the Victorian Parliament, August 2020. Also online as sub. no 517 at Environment and Planning ( or
- Submission to the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council’s Central West Investigation into Public Lands Draft proposals paper, December 2018, also online at the VEAC website.
- Submission to Macedon Ranges Draft Biodiversity Strategy, October 2018.The strategy was adopted by Council in December 2019 and is online at MRSC.
- MRSC Budget allocations for 2018-19. Letter to CEO 8 Feb 2018
- Submission to the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council’s Central West Investigation into Public Lands, August 2017, also online at VEAC.
- NDLG response to MRSC draft Environment Strategy, April 2016
- Submission to Macedon Ranges Shire Council 2015 for a Roadsides Management Plan, by Alice Aird and Helen Scott.
and attachment – Aird handout to Councillors 1 April 2015, “Rural roadsides in the Macedon Ranges: death by a thousand cuts”.
- Newham Landcare’s letter 16 Sept 2013 to Macedon Ranges Shire Council about Council’s proposed Hanging Rock Development.
- President’s and Activities reports – 2023-24; 2022-23; 2021-22; 2020-21; 2019-20;, 2018-19; 2017-18; 2016-17; 2015-16; 2014-15; 2012-13; 2012 by Jenny Waugh; 2011-12
- Newham Roadsides nocturnal fauna surveys by Karl Just for Macedon Ranges Shire Council (a partnership project with Newham Landcare). August 2020 (1.21mb)
- Flora Assessment of High Value Roadside Reserves in Newham, Victoria, by Karl Just, ecological consultant, January 2016 (4.39mb). Includes flora lists for individual roadsides.
- Damaging Activities Threatening Significant Roadside Vegetation, by Karl Just, ecological consultant, January 2016 (1.41mb)
- Roadsides: protection of roadside remnant is a State-wide issue, by Penny Roberts 27/1/2016
- Preliminary assessment of ‘grassland’ area within the Hanging Rock Racecourse – Hanging Rock Community Recreation Reserve: Report for Newham Landcare Group 10/11/13, by Paul Foreman, Blue Devil Consulting. Published in N&DLG Newsletter no.38, Spring 2013, pp.15-19
- Baseline Biodiversity Study for the Campaspe-Maribyrnong Headwaters Biolink. A flora and fauna survey of the Jim Jim Compiled by David A. De Angelis for NDLG, 2007
See also Presentations under Archive