Specialist Groups
Roadside Management Group aka “the Weedies”
- maps the Newham area for roadside weeds, and until recently loaded the data into the Macedon Ranges Shire database
- working bees to pull, cut and paint and remove weeds
- demonstration stretches of roadside are sprayed or cut and painted with herbicide, some to be later planted with native vegetation, when weed control has been deemed adequate
- information and education sessions e.g. indigenous propagation, visiting speakers. See for example “The weedies, Newham Landcare’s roadside rangers”, article in Victorian Landcare Magazine, no 79, Spring 2020, p10-11; Winter 2019 newsletter “House of Weedies”, page 3; Spring/Summer 2015 newsletter article on “Rural Roadsides – a summary for 2015”, p9-13; Summer 2013 newsletter article “The Weedies – NDLG’s Roadside Management Group” p3-5. Most newsletters back to 2004 have updates on the group’s activities.
Much more on page for Rural Roadsides – protecting precious remnants
The group meets bi-monthly, contact is convenor Sue Massie. New members are always welcome.
- Weedies doing a Blackberry spray in Palmer Crescent
- Conquering a Spiraea thicket
- Weedies working bee 2018
Friends of Newham Primary School
The school has been partnering with Newham and District Landcare Group since 2006 on biodiversity, revegetation, and environmental projects, as follows:
- assists with the schools’ environmental program, e.g. Waterwatch, a program which involves sampling and testing water from the Deep Creek pond near the primary school. Grade 5 and 6 students did this testing once a month for over 12 years. (The late Jenny Waugh led the testing and analysis program). In 2023 and 2024 students have participated in the Anderson Road triangle rehabilitation project
- provides annual funding for activities within the environmental program eg excursions, camps, guest presenters
- arranges and funds additional activities for the school, e.g. in 2012 Wild Action Zoo; Geoff Williams from the Platypus Conservancy, and Deborah Tabart from the Koala Foundation visited the school, on an ad hoc basis
- provision of teaching materials eg class set of Rachel Tonkin’s book Leaf Litter and magnifying glasses
- volunteer labour force for working bees, and plantings and maintenance along the creek zone
- through the propagation group, provided indigenous plants for landscaping of the school grounds and assisted with fund-raising.
See also NPS page at Sustainability | Newham PS for more details and Landcare awards won by the School.
- Waterwatch at NPS
- Waterwatch sampling at the School
- Waterwatch – testing 2011
- Jim sampling Monument Creek
- Mini beasts 2012
- Wild Action day Feb 2012
- School propogating 2013
- Seed collecting Sept 2014
- Pollination lesson Dec 2017
- Kitchen garden weeds session 2018
- Frog bog event 2018
- Beach excursion 2018
- Potting up
- Studying worms
- NPS wins Junior Landcare Award in 2019
- NPS wins the 2021 Junior Landcare Team award
Click on any pic to enlarge
Seed collection/ seed bank / propagation Group
- promotes the use of the indigenous native plants
- provides skills for propagation and seed collection to all interested members
- will establish a seed bank
- formerly met weekly during school terms [weather permitting], with parents of Newham Primary school, to grow plants ordered by Melbourne Water
- grows indigenous plants for distribution to members at cost of materials
- See the List of local plants, many linked to photos
- Some of the propogating group
- Propogating group taking cuttings
- Propogating session
Wesley Park Interest Group
- works with Newham Garden group to improve the Park and enhance this community asset
- establishes and maintains display areas of indigenous native plants within the park.
Preparation of a plan and the initial planting of indigenous natives was undertaken with financial assistance from Macedon Ranges Shire Council. (See first article in NDLG newsletter no.18, July 2008, p.4.) Maintenance and additional planting has been ongoing, funded by the Landcare group. Jane Trikojus took on a coordinating role in 2021 – trikojus_j@fastmail.com.
In 2024 members Paul Carter & Ian Scott made a bench from Cypress Pine for the Park as part of ongoing plans for beautification.
- Wesley Park working bee
- Wesley Park maintenance
- Newham park bench
Fox and Rabbit Eradication Group
- undertook a multi-faceted pest animal eradication project in 2007-09 based on the successful Mount William program
- provided advice and support for any group of landowners wishing to undertake co-ordinated action against pest animals. Sue Barker in June 2018 volunteered for the Pest Animal Coordinator role for N&DLG, following the departure of John Lucock. Sue worked on enabling members to prepare pest animal management plans for their properties and coordinate community responses to pest animals.
See Projects for more information and resources.