The Newham District is geologically complex, and it follows from this that there is marked variation in the soils, the nature of which is dependent on the geology. As one heads south from the Cobaw ridge line across the valley and then up the northern slope of Mt Macedon the soil changes with the changing base geology. From granitic sand to heavy clay soils – we have them all!
Whilst it is possible to give general plant lists for the area, as we have done before, it is possible to be more specific, according to certain variables of the site:
- Original Ecological Vegetation Class (EVC)
- Site aspect – facing north or south? east or west?
- Relationship to waterways or drainage lines
- Altitude
A starting point is to look at remnant vegetation on your property, or another in close proximity. The number of plant species surviving may be far fewer than pre-settlement due to grazing impacts (both farmed animals and native herbivores) but those left are generally the more robust and these can be expected to do well.
Given the extent of clearing in Victoria many properties do not have any remnant that can be used as a reference point. NDLG has been using the services of a botanist to survey remnant in a variety of locations within our district, on roadsides, public and private land.
An EVC gives a very basic species list – the botanical surveys undertaken give us a more diverse selection of species, moving us towards the complexity that would have been present pre-settlement. The NDLG library contains a map set showing the extent of particular EVCs pre-1750.
Botanical survey results for areas with the following EVCs are available (some funded by NDLG, other by private landowners):
- # 55, Plains Grassy Woodland (Carlsruhe cemetery, some remnant roadsides) (NB also Woodend Grassland Reserve);
- # 894 Scoria Cone Woodland (Hennerbergs roadside at the Whitebridge Rd end and private land)
- #23 Herb-rich Foothill Forest (private land on the slopes of Mt Macedon and the Cobaw Range)
- # 83 Swampy Riparian Woodland (roadside remnant, private land)
- #128 Grassy Forest
- # 47 Valley Grassy Forest (roadside remnant, private land).
The DEWLP website has a page with the full list of bioregions and EVC benchmarks.
NDLG now has 14 years of accumulated knowledge on the local flora and revegetation.
It is apparent that many species occur over a wide range – for example Lomandra longifolia (Spiny Mat-rush) occurs along the creeks at lower altitudes and in dry forest on the upper slopes of the Cobaw Range – but the density of the plants may vary dramatically.
Generally the density of plants will be greater in areas prone to inundation or along drainage lines or waterways whilst drier areas may have far greater species diversity.
Click on blue plant names to link to a photo in a separate window.
Depression / Drainage line
- Acacia dealbata – Silver Wattle
- Acacia mearnsii – Black Wattle
- Acacia melanoxylon – Blackwood
- Eucalyptus ovata – Swamp Gum
- Eucalyptus rubida – Candlebark
- Acacia verticillata – Prickly Moses
- Bursaria spinosa – Sweet Bursaria (and seeds)
- Callistemon sieberi – River Bottlebrush
- Cassinia arculeata – Common Cassinia
- Goodenia ovata – Hop Goodenia
- Melicytus dentata – Tree Violet
- Leptospermum continentale – Prickly Tea-tree
- Leptospermum lanigerum – Woolly tea-tree
Ground cover
- Austrostipa species – Spear Grasses
- Carex appressa – Tall sedge
- Lomandra longifolia – Spiny-headed Mat-rush
- Dianella tasmanica – Tasmanian Flax-lily
- Juncus species – Native Rushes
- Microlaena stipoides – Weeping Grass
- Poa labillardierei – Tussock Grass
- Rytidosperma species – Wallaby Grasses (syn. Austrodanthonia)
- Themeda triandra – Kangaroo Grass
- Acacia dealbata – Silver Wattle
- Acacia mearnsii – Black Wattle
- Acacia melanoxylon – Blackwood
- Allocasuarina verticillata – Drooping She-oak
- Banksia marginata – Silver Banksia
- Eucalyptus dives – Broad-leaf Peppermint
- Eucalyptus obliqua – Messmate/Stringybark
- Eucalyptus ovata – Swamp Gum
- Eucalyptus radiata – Narrow-leaf Peppermint
- Eucalyptus rubida – Candlebark
- Eucalyptus pauciflora pauciflora – Snow Gum
- Eucalyptus viminalis – Manna/Ribbon Gum
- Exocarpos cupressiformi – Cherry Ballart
- Acacia verticillata – Prickly Moses
- Bursaria spinosa – Sweet Bursaria (and seeds)
- Calytrix tetragona – Fringe Myrtle
- Cassinia arcuata – Drooping Cassinia
- Daviesia leptophylla – Slender Bitter-pea
- Goodenia ovata – Hop Goodenia
- Melicytus dentata – Tree Violet
- Indigofera australis – Austral Indigo
- Leptospermum continentale – Prickly Tea-tree
- Leptospermum lanigerum – Woolly tea-tree
- Olearia lirata – Snowy Daisy-bush
- Solanum laciniatum – Kangaroo Apple
Ground Cover
- Chrysocephalum semipapposum – Clustered Everlasting
- Chrysocephalum apiculatum – Common Everlasting
- Dianella longifolia – Black Anther Flax-lily
- Dianella admixta (prev. revoluta) – Spreading Flax-lily
- Lomandra longifolia – Spiny-headed Mat-rush
- Juncus species – Native Rushes
- Microlaena stipoides – Weeping Grass
- Poa labillardierei – Tussock Grass
- Rytidosperma species – Wallaby Grasses (syn. Austrodanthonia)
- Themeda triandra – Kangaroo Grass
Low Hills
- Acacia dealbata – Silver Wattle
- Acacia mearnsii – Black Wattle
- Acacia melanoxylon – Blackwood
- Allocasuarina verticillata – Drooping She-oak
- Banksia marginata – Silver Banksia
- Eucalyptus dives – Broad-leaf Peppermint
- Eucalyptus obliqua – Messmate/Stringybark
- Eucalyptus radiata – Narrow-leaf Peppermint
- Eucalyptus rubida – Candlebark
- Eucalyptus pauciflora pauciflora – Snow Gum
- Eucalyptus viminalis – Manna/Ribbon Gum
- Exocarpos cupressiformis – Cherry Ballart
- Acacia verticillata – Prickly Moses
- Bursaria spinosa – Sweet Bursaria (and seeds)
- Calytrix tetragona – Fringe Myrtle
- Cassinia arcuata – Drooping Cassinia
- Daviesia leptophylla – Slender Bitter-pea
- Melicytus dentatus – Tree Violet
- Indigofera australis – Austral Indigo
- Olearia lirata – Snowy Daisy Bush
Ground Cover
- Chrysocephalum semipapposum – Clustered Everlasting
- Chrysocephalum apiculatum – Common Everlasting
- Clematis microphylla – Small-leaved Clematis
- Dianella admixta (prev. revoluta) – Spreading Flax-lily
- Dianella longifolia – Smooth Flax-lily
- Lomandra longifolia – Spiny-headed Mat-rush
- Juncus species – Native Rushes
- Microlaena stipoides – Weeping Grass
- Poa labillardierei – Tussock Grass
- Rytidosperma species – Wallaby Grasses (syn. Austrodanthonia)
- Themeda triandra – Kangaroo Grass
- Acacia dealbata – Silver Wattle
- Acacia mearnsii – Black Wattle
- Acacia melanoxylon – Blackwood
- Allocasuarina verticillata – Drooping She-oak
- Banksia marginata – Silver Banksia
- Eucalyptus dives – Broad-leaf Peppermint
- Eucalyptus obliqua – Messmate/Stringybark
- Eucalyptus radiata – Narrow-leaf Peppermint
- Eucalyptus rubida – Candlebark
- Eucalyptus pauciflora pauciflora- Snow Gum (and this magnificent old specimen at a local property)
- Eucalyptus viminalis – Manna/Ribbon Gum
- Exocarpos cupressiformis – Cherry Ballart
- Acacia verticillata – Prickly Moses
- Bursaria spinosa – Sweet Bursaria
- Calytrix tetragona – Fringe Myrtle
- Cassinia arcuata – Drooping Cassinia
- Daviesia leptophylla – Slender Bitter-pea
- Melicytus dentatus – Tree Violet
- Indigofera australis – Austral Indigo
- Olearia argophylla – Musk Daisy Bush
- Olearia lirata – Snowy Daisy Bush
Ground Cover
- Chrysocephalum semipapposum – Clustered Everlasting
- Chrysocephalum apiculatum – Common Everlasting
- Dianella admixta (prev. revoluta) – Spreading Flax-lily
- Lomandra longifolia – Spiny-headed Mat-rush
- Juncus species – Native Rushes
- Microlaena stipoides – Weeping Grass
- Poa labillardierei – Tussock Grass
- Rytidosperma species – Wallaby Grasses (syn. Austrodanthonia)
- Themeda triandra – Kangaroo Grass
Small Flowering species
found in a range of situations – by no means a complete list!
- Acaena novae-zelandiae – Bidgee-widgee
- Acrotriche serrulata – Honey Pots
- Ajuga australis – Austral Bugle
- Arthropodiums – milleflorum, strictum – Pale Vanilla Lily, Chocolate Lily
- Asperula conferta – Common Woodruff
- Astroloma humifusum – Cranberry Heath
- Billardia scandens – Appleberry
- Bossiaea prostrata – Creeping Bossiaea
- Brachyscombe multifida – Cut-leaf Daisy
- Brunonia australis – Blue Pincushion
- Bulbine bulbosa – Bulbine Lily
- Burchadia umbellata – Milkmaids
- Chrysocephalum semi-papposum – Clustered Everlasting
- Chrysocephalum apiculatum – Common Everlasting
- Convolvulus erubescens – Pink Bindweed
- Craspedia variabilis – Common Billy-buttons
- Daviesia leptophylla – Narrow-leaf Bitter Pea
- Dianellas – admixta, longifolia, tasmanica – Flax-lilies
- Dillwynia cinerascens – Grey Parrot-pea
- Drosera species – Sundews
- Eutaxia microphylla – Small-leaved Eutaxia
- Gompholobium huegelii – Wedge-pea
- Glycine clandestina – Twining Glycine
- Hardenbergia violacea – Purple Coral-pea
- Helichrysum scorpioides – Button Everlasting
- Hovea heterophylla – Common Hovea
- Hypericum gramineum – small St. Johns Wort
- Hypoxis vaginata – Yellow Star
- Kennedia prostrata – Running Postman
- Leptorhynchos – squamatus, tenuifolius – Scaly, Wiry Buttons
- Leucopogon virgatus – Common Beard-heath
- Lomandras – filiformis, nana, longifolia – Wattle, Dwarf, Spiny-headed Mat-rush
- Microseris lanceolata – Murnong/Yam Daisy – flower head, buds, seed heads
- Podolobium procumbens – Trailing Shaggy-pea
- Pelargonium australis – Austral Stork’s-bill
- Pelargonium rodneyanum – Magenta Stork’s-bill
- Pimelea humilis – Common Rice-flower
- Pultanaea daphnoides – Large-leaf Bush Pea
- Pultenaea pedunculata – Matted Bush-pea
- Stackhousia monogyna – Creamy Candles
- Stellaria pungens – Prickly Starwort
- Stylidium graminifolium – Grass Trigger plant
- Tetratheca ciliata – Pink Bells
- Thysanotus – patersonii, tuberosus – Twining, Tall Fringe lilies
- Viola hederacea – Native Violet
- Veronica gracilis – Slender Speedwell
- Vittadina sp. – New Holland Daisy
- Wahlenbergias (Austral Bluebells) – communis, luteola, stricta – Tufted, Bronze, Tall
- Wurmbea dioica – Early Nancy
- Xerochrysum viscosum – Sticky Everlasting
- Caladenia species – Pink Fingers, Spider Orchids etc
- Diuris species – Tiger, Leopard, Golden Moth, Donkey Orchids etc
- Glossodia major – Wax-lip Orchid
- Microtis parviflora – Slender Onion Orchid
- Pterostylis species – Greenhoods
- Thelymitra species – Sun Orchids
There are some very good illustrated books available, some in the NDLG library – see under the heading Native plants.
Woodend Landcare also has a list of recommended plants on their website.
Wildflowers of Newham rural roadsides and Woodend reserves video – a photographic display by Newham & District Landcare Group and Woodend Landcare, made for the online 2021 Sustainable Living Festival of Macedon Ranges Sustainability Group – view it at or at
Macedon Ranges Flora at is a lovely website by the late David Francis with lots of information and good images.
Indigenous Plant Suppliers in the Newham area
Your Landcare Group
In the past, and from 2021 again, Newham Landcare placed an order each year with TreeProject for volunteer-grown, locally provenanced tubestock. They were made available to members at 50c, the cost of materials, and from 2022 orders are placed in bulk.
Surplus stock grown by a few individuals and the Newham Primary School parents propagating group have been made available to members at 50c per tube.
A notice goes out in Autumn and Spring indicating what species are available.
Species available varies, but generally includes most of the tree species and a number of under-storey and ground level plants that are local to this area.
- Our Landcare group no longer sells recycled plastic wrappers and hardwood stakes.
- Folding wire frames were available through the group at $1.70 each – these are easy to use, hold wrappers tight and will last for multiple uses. [they are at least $4.50 from other suppliers]. Some stocks are still stored – contact Penny 5427 0795 for availability.
If you want to learn how to grow your own:
- Volunteer to be a TreeProject grower. They provide a training session and you receive a kit with tubes, potting mix, seed and comprehensive instructions. If you are interested, see the TreeProject web page.
The Successful tree planting guide for the Maribyrnong and Werribee catchments. Ian Taylor, Western Plains Flora, 2008, 2p
Commercial growers
Small scale growers all prefer to grow to order but are likely to have a range of plant species available to the casual purchaser.
Western Plains Flora
Ian Taylor
628 Wildwood Rd, Wildwood
03 9740 3178
Retail outlet is not open all year – check before you go… – but prefers a phone call. Email only to confirm your order
Melways ref. 383 K2
Note: as a service to his customers, Ian Taylor has arranged manufacture of unbranded 160 micron plastic wrappers [ie heavy duty] at a cost below the price we can obtain from the other 2 major suppliers even, with a bulk order.
Grow Locals
A retail outlet opened in 2022, located at the old Acres Wild nursery at 42 Anslow St Woodend, as well as having a production nursery set up in Elphinstone. or call Tully Sumner on 0412 806597 or Richard Gray on 0490 214 195.
Larger scale growers based in Bendigo or Sunbury do not usually use seed local to Newham area but are able to produce large quantities to order and will use local seed if available or supplied by you. If you want local seed ring Penny Roberts on 5427 0795 – small quantities may be immediately available or assistance can be given with sourcing local seed.
Goldfields Revegetation Native Nursery
230 Tannery Lane, Mandurang Vic (10 mins from Bendigo)
03 5439 5384